This week Archio has achieved planning for a 6-flat development in the London Borough of Newham.
The proposed development is on the site of an existing warehouse that is surrounded by residential properties. The site itself has a number of key constraints such as the impact upon neighbouring amenity, restricted views, overshadowing and a close proximity to mature trees.
Our approach was twofold; whilst we wanted to reduce the impact of the development on the surrounding residential properties, we also wanted to engage with the characterful streetscape of Penge Road.
On the rear elevation we used a combination of design tools such as enclosed courtyards, light wells and stepped massing to help mitigate the impact on the neighbouring properties. Solid timber louvres were proposed where required, to help reduce overlooking.
On the front elevation we wanted to play with the terraced house bay window typology of the existing streetscape. The proposed façade continues the rhythm of the bay window, while the recessed bay helps to reduce impact of the overall scheme and create a demarcated entrance to the flats above. To help activate the street frontage further we wanted to maximise entrance points along the façade, through creating dedicated entrances to each of the ground floor flats.
A key part of the proposal was our comprehensive energy strategy. Along with highly insulated walls, solar thermal panels and rainwater harvesting, we proposed a Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery system to supply pre-heated fresh air to the residences.
The detailing and material selection for the proposal were well received by the planning team at Newham Council. Velfac timber framed aluminium windows with metal reveals within a high quality London stock brick facade help to enhance the streetscape appearance. The set back to the second floor is clad in a standing seam zinc, supplied by KME. The subtle tone, colour and form of the setback will help reduce visual impact.
We have thoroughly enjoyed working with the planning consultants, Plainview Planning Ltd, and the planning department team at Newham Council, and thank them for their hard work and positive contributions. We aim to begin work on the next stages of this project shortly, look out for more information on our projects page soon.
Existing Site Analysis
Proposed Energy Strategy
View west along Penge Road
View east along Penge Road